Scientific research and anecdotal accounts narrate how effectively cannabis can fight against some incurable diseases. Various accounts of unbelievable recovery of the patients suffering
from some fatal diseases time and again appear in popular media. More often we
come across adjectives as wonder plant, phenomenal healer, world class healer
used to highlight tremendous healing power of the cannabis.
days back, a story of three years boy, Landon Riddle, who recovered miraculously
from cancer using cannabis oil surfaced in media and was widely shared on
social networks. The astonishing fact is doctors gave this boy not more than 48
hours to live. His deteriorated health with every single dose of medicine left
his mother with no option but to try a new treatment – cannabis oil – on his
grandmother’s suggestion. With every passing day, the boy’s condition got
better and better, eventually he made full recovery.
Last year, Yahoo reported a story of miraculous recovery of nine years old boy, Kalel Santiago, a severe autism condition has vanished his ability to speak. His parents did their bit to help him overcome his disability. They joined several schools and tried various therapies but no vain. Eventually, they decided to try a new treatment which changed their entire lives. Twice a day dose of cannabis oil did wonder for them and boy started speaking just after two days.
Weaver, 10, suffered from a rare and particularly heinous epilepsy. She is
among more than 1400 Minnesotans being treated with medical cannabis since the
drug became legal in the state last July. Amelia was having 20 to 30 seizures a
day, with devastating affects as being unable to communicate verbally and
unable to hold a spoon or fork. Impressive results followed three doses a day
of cannabis oil treatment; she started walking on her own in the house after a
long time, she went 20 days without seizures and she started learning new
skills such as drinking through straw.
These accounts of matchless healing power of cannabis show that many people resort to the weed only when they are left with no other options. It also shows miraculous healing power of the drug to alleviate pain of those enduring serious health conditions.
most amazing thing about this treatment is its quick effect, in most of the
cases a seriously ill patient started making recovery within initial few days.
It is no surprise despite a severe lack of medical research to show the healing
power of cannabis, more and more people are using medical cannabis as a only
way to get rid of their sufferings.
The accounts of recovery from such heinous diseases
seem unbelievable and are not less than a miracle. It makes us realize the
healing power of nature to fight against such serious ailments. What we find
lacking here is concrete scientific research to probe fully all the benefits
and side-effects associated with medicinal use of cannabis. This would allow
people to make an insightful choice in the first place, rather than resorting
to this treatment as a last resort.
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