Spain has amended its law and legalize marijuana
cultivation and growth. This is a massive news for medical growers, patients, activists and those
who are looking for healthy alternative to alcohol. By
allowing cannabis cultivation
and growth, Spain has taken another step to be a
leader in this newly forming industry. Though there are many unanswered
questions regarding this move, it is clear that Spain is eyeing on the future huge
potential of this industry. The country has already a team of talented
scientists and groundbreaking cannabis research
to its credit.
From today, growers and shops can sell seedlings once they
are not openly on sale in a shop window. Government has placed a restriction that
it still can not be grown in places that is view able from the public places.
Definitely it will bolster the efforts and encourage all those who are striving to break the crony law-makers and big pharma nexus which has vested interest to suppress this wonder plant. These apparently tiny measures at national level will generate a momentum that would definitely cause changes at global landscape and decisively influence public
The hard
work of brave Spanish activists finally paved the way for this new legal
amendment, their efforts towards this end are highly appreciable. It’s a moment
of joy for them; and activists from all around the world commend their efforts
and congratulate them.
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