Since my 2008 diagnosis, I have experienced a list of grievances
so long, I could complain about them every minute of every day, month after
month and so on. My hands ache and my feet feel like you put them between two
blocks, hit them with a hammer and then set them on fire. I’m mad. I’m sad. I
feel helpless. Obviously I’m entitled to complain, right?
It is so easy to fall into a negative state
of mind but would you reconsider going down that rabbit hole if I told you that
negativity actually causes us to feel more pain? This post notes the effects of
negative thinking on people with Chronic Pain and gives steps to take to think
What You Seek Is Seeking You
We can literally think more pain into reality. “What you think about your pain and
how you anticipate pain in the future may actually create more of what you
don’t want.”
“The more you complain, the more you summon your creative
energies to attract the very thing you complain about.” In turn, if the complaint
is about pain, more pain will
follow. Misery loves company, right?
Luckily, the opposite is true as well: positive thinking breeds
positivity. So how can we shift our thoughts to a positive majority?
“Chronic pain changes
the brain functionally,
structurally, and chemically.” It’s going to take focus and effort to create a
positive mindset. Here are a few tips:
Think Responsibly
Break the Habit
Keep track of how many negative thoughts come up in just one
day. Once you become aware of them, you can shut them down and begin to replace
harmful thoughts with healthy thoughts.
Find a Distraction
A study found that if we focus on something other than our pain,
our body’s response to pain signals is inhibited.
Find the Positive
It sounds funny but there has never been a better time to have
Chronic Pain. Just think, Fibromyalgia wasn’t
even recognized as a real
condition until 2015! Studies and research are on the rise and there have never
been more cute and comfy pajamas to choose from!
Record your Gratitude
“Those who engage in gratitude practices have been shown to feel less pain.” Whether it’s related to your
condition or not, jotting down a list of just three things you’re grateful for
every morning can set a positive tone for the rest of your day.
Surrender to the Pain
Although it sounds like a negative choice, consider if you
accepted your situation instead of constantly resisting it. Resisting what IS
is exhausting and futile. If you can own your pain, you can own it’s power.
Don’t Give Up
New research shows that it takes about 66 days to form a new habit. If you fall off the Gratitude Train, keep jumping back on.
Your hard work will pay off, keep thinking responsibly!
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