Failure is an important fact of life; more you avoid confronting and analyzing it, more it would shadow your life and more your feel haunted.
Often there are simple reasons that
halt our way to success; however, by avoiding them we can translate our failure
into a success.
You excessively look at other people:
It is good to look around and, adopt
and get inspired with fantastic things people are doing. During the process
people generally ignore a fact that we are born with different abilities and
talents. If success comes to someone by operating in a certain way; the same
recipe can not be fruitful for every one.
It is mandatory to recognise what
things you are good at and invest your best efforts where you can make a
considerable difference.
You don’t look at the big picture:
One reason you are not successful is
your failure to visualize entire scheme of things. More often you are content
with surface knowledge and don’t make any effort to dig deep in order to
understand what lies back and what comes next.
Key connections and links vital to your
success fall short of your consideration and you make decisions on the basis of
insufficient knowledge and information with high vulnerability to failure.
You are reactive:
You are not proactive and unnecessarily
delay things. Your habit to linger on and keep things pending till the last
moment left you with very limited options in the end. This leaves you in a
state where you are not master of your fate and your environment and
circumstances largely dictate what you would be.
With proactive approach you are in a
great position to affect your environment and dictate your circumstances in
your way even under extremely harsh conditions. To change a mindset from a
reactive to proactive approach is fundamental to end a series of failure in
your life and walk on a road to success.
You not ready to leave your comfort
You are not willing to challenge
yourself by posing new questions and putting up new challenges. More you stick
to your comfort zone, less you will learn skills required for success and more
likely your efforts will end up in a failure.
You do wrong calculations:
Many people get failed simply for the
reason of making poor calculations. You miss something vital in your equation
and consequently, you don’t get accurate answer.
If you fail and an often analysis shows
poor calculation responsible for your failure, revisit your underlying
equation. Discuss it with your friends, seek advice from experts and benchmark
with others to identify what leads you to end up with faulty calculations.
You set ambitious targets:
Another possible reason for your
failure may lay in the way you set your goals and targets. Rather than setting
realistic goals and moving forward step-by-step where you can keep track of
your progress, you made ambitiously high targets.
In order to turn failure into success,
ambitious people need to carve out a step-by-step approach where accomplishment
of a step informs the set of decisions made at next step. With small
gains and accomplishments eventually you achieve your larger goal successfully.
are inconsistent:
You focus on several things at a time.
You pursuit something for a while, then you lose interest in it and your
attention is switched. Lack of consistency cripples your ability to achieve
your targets. People with consistency problem should learn how to concentrate
on their goals; failing to focus on few things will keep hurting their
prospects of success.
have too many choices:
Having too many opportunities is
generally thought as good; however possibility of several choices can divert a
person’s attention from one thing to another. For example, a person sets a
target for himself, however on the course of accomplishing that task when there
appears certain difficulties, he/she starts finding other options more
lucrative or suitable. Indecisiveness and lack of focus characterizes their all
efforts and what they end up is stark failure.
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