I was recently asked, "What has fibromyalgia and/or chronic pain taught you about yourself".
Here is my answer to this question.
I have learned so much and continue to
learn about myself through this journey of pain. If there is one quote that
sums it up for me, it is, "My pain birthed my purpose". - Trent
Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain
conditions do not have to define us. They become a part of our lives, but they
do not DESERVE to encompass our lives. I've learned that I am courageous,
strong, powerful, driven and empathetic. I deserve happiness and health. My
life is important and meaningful. I've learned that even in the face of
adversity, I can conquer anything.
I love when people ask for positive fibro
stories. Most of the time all you hear about is the negative ones. Here is
mine. I hope it empowers and inspires at least one person.
I have always known that I was meant to
help others, but I never knew in what capacity. I have had medical problems
most of my life (mainly migraine headaches and girl problems) and have
just learned to manage them, but in 2007 when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia
and Reynaud's Syndrome, my whole world changed. I could no longer work, I was
constantly drugged up on pharmaceuticals, got kicked out of my apartment, car
repossessed, lost friends, moved in with my mother.
At age 27, my so far successful life was
spiraling out of control. Then, along came cannabis. I couldn't believe how
much it helped me. Living in California, I had the opportunity to grow my own
medicine, so I did. I was slowly beginning to pick up my life. I started using
cannabis daily, exercised, changed my diet, started meditating, and really
started to concentrate on what my body was telling me and trying options rather
than the "magic pill" I thought would take it all away. I started
working (my body could only handle about 30 hour a week, but I went), moved in
to a new place, bought a car, and started picking up the pieces.
During this process, I realized I couldn't
exactly go back to my corporate recruiting job and toke up in the lobby of the
high rise, plus smoking gave me a high that made it hard to focus. I had to find
other ways to use this plant. I decided to try to infuse some oil using the
cannabis flowers I had grown. After rubbing it on my painful spots for the
first time, I knew I had found what I needed.
This was perfect because I was about to be
hired to a great company supporting the president and I needed to be clear
headed and able to manage my pain throughout the day. I could add a few
essential oils and nobody would even know I was using my medication at work,
and I was focused since topical do not typically provide a psychoactive
In my off time, I started working on a
concept for my new company, Therapy in a Bottle. I slowly developed a line of
cannabis topical products that sold in several California dispensaries. Through
that experience, I learned that a lot of the people that I needed to reach with
these products, were not going in to dispensaries, and I also couldn't reach
out to anyone outside of California due to federal law.
I sat down with some of my herbalist
friends, did some research and found a group of botanicals that were proven to
be very helpful in reducing inflammation when used topically. The decision to
create a second line of products was an easy one to make. I worked very hard to
come up with a formula that offered the same therapeutic value and level of
efficacy as the cannabis would. It's a well-balanced synergistic botanical
When I lost my corporate job last year due
to layoffs, I decided to try my hardest to work on Therapy in a Bottle full
time. I completed the development of the non-cannabis line and reformulated the
cannabis line to include all of these other wonderful botanicals that were
working so well for pain. Now, my company makes enough to pay the bills and
overhead costs, and we are continuing to grow organically.
I love the opportunities I have to go in to
senior communities and veteran halls to talk about botanical therapies and let
them try samples of the products (only non-cannabis) to see for themselves the
miracle of nature. It makes me happy to help others see the alternative options
that are inexpensive and readily available to them. When I get an email or
phone call from someone saying that they have gone off of their pain meds by
using our salve or they avoided surgery after trying our products, it melts my
Those personal testimonies are like gold to
me. Knowing that my grandmother can get relief from her arthritis by just
soaking her hands in our soak and rubbing the salve on makes me feel like I
have given her a wonderful gift.
I still struggle sometimes to manage my
pain, but I have built an amazing box of tools to help me conquer that daily
challenge. On the days that I feel like giving up, I make sure to re-read the
testimonies and keep moving forward.
So now you can see why the quote makes
sense. My pain really did birth my purpose.
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