Three years ago, my doctor
said the F-word… that’s right, fibromyalgia. I ignored her. But for the last
year I have been in constant pain and I find it really hard to focus on
anything other than finding pain relief or finding a new treatment that might
actually make a difference.
I haven’t really been
writing about the pain. Everyone in my life knows that I have neck pain and
headaches. Some people think it’s my back that hurts.
Even though we have all
had pain and sore body parts, the fact is that anyone who hasn’t experienced
non-stop widespread pain for weeks or months or years really has no idea what
this experience has been like.
I have felt that writing
about it would end up being a whiny piece of writing about boo hoo, poor me, I
hurt. Or that the intention behind writing it would be to seek sympathy. I also
worry that I don’t know how to fully explain my experience in a short and
concise way. I worried that it would get boring and repetitive and too long to
I now think it is
something that I need to do. I think I need to write about the physical pain
and its emotional toll.
I thought the easiest way
to explain my experience would be to go through a typical 24 hours in a day in
the life of me.
It’s 9 p.m. and I’m laying
on the couch with my fingers pressing into my neck and the base of my skull,
trying to recreate what relieving treatment I have received. Trying to relieve
some of the throbbing in my neck and sharp pounding in my head. I’ve somehow
convinced myself that I have to stay up until 10. When 10 finally comes, I
climb the stairs, get ready for bed, and collapse into what I’m hoping will be
the most comfortable place in the house. It takes me several minutes and
several attempts to reposition myself. Does my neck feel straight and aligned
with my spine? If I move slightly to the right will the stabbing pain in my
thigh stop? If I roll over will that relieve some of the pain on that hip?
Thanks to the magic of
sedatives, I fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, part of
my illness is over-activity in my brain. Hello neurons, can you stop firing now
please? I don’t reach a state of deep sleep, which is where rest and repair
happens. Instead, I drift in and out of a light sleep, never getting adequate
rest. I wake up several times and reposition my body trying to find the least
painful position.
Eventually, by about 4 or
5 in the morning, my body has been in bed too long. The pressure of my own body
against the mattress is causing pain that I can no longer tolerate. So I get
up, go to the bathroom, stretch a bit, and go back to bed for a few hours. My
alarm goes off and I hit snooze. And often sleep past the time I had planned to
get up. By 8 a.m. I normally can’t be laying down anymore. The pain has built
up and my body is screaming at me.
But I know that
up will be better. So I pull myself out of bed to begin my day. Every
step towards the shower is painful because my body feels like it was beaten
with a sledge hammer the day before.
By the time I get to the
kitchen, most of the stiffness is gone. My head is often less painful. And I’m
left with that general yucky blech feeling you get when you have the flu. As I
am getting ready for work, my body is yelling at me to pay attention to it. I
have sharp aches in many different places.
The drive to work has its
own challenges. The sharp stabbing in my right thigh makes gas and break hurt.
And checking my blind spots before I turn means sending searing pain through my
neck into my shoulders.
When I finally get to
work, climb out of the car, and walk into the building, I’m already exhausted
and it’s only 8:30 in the morning.
The work day is a battle
between doing what I need to do work-wise and doing what I need to do for my
mind and body.
Throughout the day I take
pauses to stretch, to rest, to do deep breathing, to meditate, to hydrate, to
find a position that is both reasonable for working and for not making my pain
level worse.
I have to remember to be
conscious of the position of my body and tension in my muscles at all times. My
head has to be sitting in line with my spine and facing forward. I can’t look
up, down, or to the sides for any extended time period or I will suffer greatly
later. I have an easel at my desk so that I can write while not bending over.
By lunch time, the ringing
in my ears has gotten louder than comfortable. It feels like there is an
earthquake behind my eyes. I still feel like I have the flu. My whole body
aches. I’m having muscle spasms in different places. And suddenly it feels like
there is too much stimuli. I want it dark and quiet.
Suddenly my jaw is aching
and I realize I stopped paying attention and I was clenching my teeth trying to
ignore the rest of my body. My eyes are burning and itchy again, but now they
are watering, too. And I can’t think of what it was I was supposed to be doing.
All morning I had been forgetting words or misusing words, mostly because my
brain was too busy processing pain signals and being in a constant state of
stress response.
Lunch is now over and it’s
time to get back to work. Despite having “slept” for 10 hours the night before,
I am overcome with a sudden and extreme fatigue attack. My body just shuts
down. My eyelids want to close. I yawn and yawn and I’m convinced that I can’t
make it to the end of the day.
If I do manage to find a
way to lay down in a dark corner for 15 minutes, my body decides it doesn’t
want to cooperate with a rest after all. My legs start to feel weird … At first
it feels like some thing is crawling around
inside my legs. Up and down from feet to thighs. But then that thing, which I
have named the Kremlars, seems to wake up all its friends and the kremlars
start racing around inside my legs, wriggling and wiggling and causing so much
pain and discomfort that I have to stand up and walk
around to try to make the kremlars go back to sleep.
It’s now the end of the
work day and I endure the soreness that driving causes and go home. Now it’s
time to “do all the things.” Grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, walking the
dog, playing with the kitten, answering texts from people I’m convinced think
I’m ignoring them, marking student work, lesson planning, choir practice,
drawing, writing, relaxing… And doing all these things while feeling all of
that pain I have already said I experience.
It’s 9 p.m. again. And I’m
curled up on the couch with a heating pad, a shiatsu machine, chamomile tea, my
“blankie,” my TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) machine,
crying and trying to make a list of the things that I am grateful for: love,
friendship, sunshine, art, music, laughter, mojitos, that my kitten sleeps on
me, cantaloupe, apples, babies laughing, hugs, really cold water, words, and so
much more.
Despite the aches and
pains, despite my memory going wonky, despite my “good days” where the pain is
there but tolerable… I think the hardest thing to deal with is not being able
to live my life the way I want to. Not being able to do all the things I did
before without planning in rest and recovery time. Not being able to do it all
in one day. Not being able to go out with friends whenever I want to. Letting
people down when I said I would do something. Knowing that this is lifelong.
That I have to make big changes to my approach to life. And worrying constantly
that I come across as an irresponsible, unreliable, lazy flake who doesn’t
follow through with commitments.
That’s a typical day for me. I want to end this
piece with something positive and inspiring. I want to be the person who people
say “she did that in spite of…” but it’s not like that. I don’t have anything
positive to say about fibromyalgia. All I can do is take care of myself and try
to enjoy the small moments like a Sunday morning with a hot cuppa tea.
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